About the CRC for Alertness, Safety and Productivity

The Alertness CRC’s mission was to:

 → Promote the prevention and control of sleep loss and sleep disorders; and

 → Develop new evidence-based tools to improve alertness, productivity and safety.

Human performance and wellbeing are significantly impacted by impaired alertness, often caused by inadequate sleep and sleep disorders.

A high proportion of the working population also experience disruption of the body clock due to shift work and unusual or extended hours, resulting in poor sleep health and reduced alertness.

This in turn has widespread impacts on core brain functions: reaction time; decision-making; information processing; and the ability to maintain attention. Such impairment leads to preventable errors, accidents and injuries, especially in high-risk environments.

As an Australian Government funded industry-focused research and development consortium, the CRC for Alertness, Safety and Productivity (Alertness CRC) was established to improve alertness, safety and productivity in individuals and across organisations.

Through its highly engaged and effective industry, government and university sector partners, this unique collaboration focused on the prevention and control of sleep loss and sleep disorders and the development of novel alertness prediction and sleep health management technologies that provide viable real-world workplace and community solutions.

Read more on the CRC Program here.


Technology companies, the insurance industry, regulatory and policy agencies, and safety-sensitive industry sectors were all represented in the Alertness CRC’s participant base, supported by world-class academic expertise. In its final year, FY2019-2020, the Alertness CRC had a total of 32 participants.

Major Achievements →

Industry & Employment Participants

Policy, Regulatory & Insurance Participants

Building capacity for innovation

The Education Program of the Alertness CRC was the backbone of the capacity-building power of the consortium, including students in all aspects of the collaborative process.

The CRC Supported:

PhD Students

Masters Students

Postdoctoral Fellows

Industry-Based Learning students 

Across a total of:

Research Projects

Further Information

For more information on the Alertness CRC, you can access our Annual Reports here:

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